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Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve done this. Many years ago, I tried to write about my travel experiences, but life just got in the way: at first, it was the pandemic; next, it was moving; and then, it was changing jobs. So much change was happening in such a short period. And through all that time, I found it difficult to spend time crafting language about those travel experiences. I sort of wish I did, but my head was not in the right space to be so thoughtful. I imagine many of you had similar difficulties as we dealt with grief, isolation, insecurity, and anxiety. The world ebb into a crawl and little human activity was happening for many many months at a time, with no end in sight. We were, and still are, so unsure of our future. Coming out of that fog, I think the hidden gem out of all of this is that act of reflection—savoring and reliving these memories.